Skate Ramps
Q & A
When were skate ramps first installed at West Chiltington Recreation Ground?
The first ramp was built in 1993, this were removed in 1999 as it was no longer safe for use. The second ramp was installed in 2002 and removed in July 2017. Materials for the replacement ramps started to arrive on site from March 2017 with works conitinuing off site, these ramps were finally completed in March 2021. The location of the ramps has remained the same.
When did the Parish Council consider the proposal to replace the skate ramps?
Consideration was given to the replacement of the skate ramps at a Parish Council meeting in September 2015, at which time it was noted that communication within the village would be essential in the event of removal and/or replacement of the ramps.
What consultation took place with residents regarding the proposed replacement skate ramps?
In 2015 articles were placed in The Bulletin & the Sussex Local Magazine, both of these publications are delivered to every house in the village. An article was also placed in the Church Parish Magazine and a message posted on the Parish Council Facebook page.
Information on the proposed project was placed on the Parish Council website and posters of the proposed new ramps were posted at the recreation ground asking for resident’s comments.
In June 2016 a survey was launched on Survey Monkey asking residents what they would like to see in the plan for the new ramps.
In 2016, as part of the Neighbourhood Plan Open Event held at the Sports Pavilion the concept images of the ramps were on display and residents asked for their comments.
In 2017 & 2018 plans were featured at the annual Council Meet and Greet event held in December at the Sports Pavilion.
There were no adverse comments received.
When did works commence on the third set of ramps?
The ramps installed in 2002 were removed in July 2017 as they were deemed unsafe. Work on the new ramps commenced off site with the first set of materials arriving on site in March 2018. The installation of the ramps was delayed due to a major fire at the contractor’s premises and then the pandemic.
Have Horsham District Council asked the Parish Council to apply for a Lawful Development Certificate?
Yes, that is correct, an application for a Certificate of Lawful Development has been submitted to Horsham District Council and the application has been permitted.
What is the Parish Council doing to mitigate noise nuisance?
The Parish Council has engaged a Sound Consultant to review the data held by the Environmental Health Department. A progressive programme of works has been proposed, this will commence with the boxing in of the underneath surface of the units facing Finches Lane with plywood. If necessary the use of acoustic absorption materials will also be considered. The effects of each modification will be measured.
The Parish Council have agreed to the installation of a CCTV system at the Recreation Ground would should deter anti-social behaviour.
Do the Parish Council intend to close the Skate Park
No, the Parish Council do not intend to close the skate park.