West Chiltington Neighbourhood Plan
Call for Development & Employment Sites
13th March 2020 – 24th April 2020
As part of the preparation of the West Chiltington Neighbourhood Plan, we need to identify site allocations for development in order to address local needs. Therefore we are calling out to landowners in the Parish of West Chiltington who may have an interest in promoting their land for development. The Neighbourhood Plan is looking to address our needs over the next 15 years.
If you are a landowner – or represent a landowner – and wish for your land to be considered for allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan, you are required to provide us with the following details:
- A clear statement of which types of development you wish your land to be considered for, e.g. residential, leisure, employment.
- The area of the land in hectares. Please note that any site can be submitted for assessment provided it meets the required threshold of over 5 units for residential development or over 0.25 hectares for economic land.
- A plan which clearly shows the extent of the land that you wish to be considered. Ideally this should be on an Ordnance Survey base or equivalent.
- An understanding of how the site would be accessed by vehicle and opportunities for linking in with existing public rights of way.
- Any relevant planning history for the site e.g. extant planning permissions that have not been brought forward
- Any legal issues such as covenants restricting the use of the land.
- Whether there are any restrictions to your site coming forward in the short term
This is not just a call for housing sites – we are also keen to see sites put forward that support growth in both employment opportunities and leisure facilities, together with land for wider community use. It is important that you submit your sites as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process because it could establish the principle of development of the land in question for that particular use. Equally however, it is important that the sites which are allocated contribute towards achieving the vision and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan, as set by the community.
If you have already made a submission to Horsham District Council in respect of its Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), we request that you also make a submission to the West Chiltington Neighbourhood Plan process if you wish for the site to be considered for allocation within the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan is focusing on potential local – as opposed to strategic – scale allocations so this is particularly important for small (non-strategic) sites. I
If you do not submit your site to the West Chiltington Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites process then there is no guarantee that it will be considered through this process.
Please note that submitting details of a particular site is not a guarantee that the Parish Council will support a site for development since all sites will be subject to an independent assessment. Please also note that any sites that are selected will still be required to submit a formal planning application to the local planning authority.
If you feel you have a site that you would wish to be considered as part of this process, the application form which outlines the required criteria for a site to be considered for assessment can be found on the following link – application form. Only sites submitted using the Application Form will be considered as part of the assessment process.
The closing date to receive completed Application Forms is 24th April 2020.